VV 621 • BACH - Wohltemp. Klavier, part 1, booklet 1: 9 two

Johann Sebastian Bach: Wohltemp. Klavier part 1, volume 1: 9 two-part movements

for Violin and Viola or Violin and Cello
after the original version for piano (harpsichord), BWV 848, 850, 851,855, 856, 858, 862, 865
Johann Sebastian Bach: Wohltemp. Klavier part 1, volume 1: 9 two-part movements for Violin and Viola or Violin and Cello
Available as
Sheet music, Download
Sheet Music
Edition No
VV 621
Edition (Format)
Scores (3) violin*, viola*, violoncello (* with partner score in small print), BACH-Format (230mm x 302mm), 24+20+12 pages
© 2009 ViolaViva
Series (Volume)
Well-Temp. Clavier - Part I (#1)
Opus / Directory
BWV 848, 850, 851,855, 856, 858, 862, 865
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Johann Sebastian Bach: Wohltemp. Klavier part 1, volume 1: 9 two-part movements (Download)19.20CHF
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Johann Sebastian Bach: Wohltemp. Klavier part 1, volume 1: 9 two-part movements24.00CHF